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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-20 01:54:48 | 只看该作者

Dream of love

Dream of love
a few years ago,goyard pas cher, a fire killed the parents of the little girl's life. Fortunately, the little girl was at school,stylo plume mont blanc solde, when the fire broke out, she was not in the...... Poor little girl, she's so young, her parents are dead. When the little girl's teacher know this thing, after the night to the little girl to his grandmother's house. At that time, the little girl classmates because of this issue There were many discussions. Some people say that the fire is a rumor. Some people say that if they met the enemy. Some people say, is not a mistake, and burn the other people, not the parents of the little girl......
soon, the little girl's grandmother died. Before he died, my grandmother only left some money, house and Lily seed. The little girl loved ones no longer, so she dropped out. This year after year, the little girl was extremely boring, the grandmother had left the lily seed down. Until now, more than a year, Lily opened! One morning, the little girl went out to play. In a street, a car was coming, the little girl knocked on the ground. The driver saw, hurriedly ran away. After half a day,hogan sito ufficiale, the teacher work passed by, saw the little girl...... The teacher took the girl to a nearby hospital, but also to help the little girl pad of the medical expenses. Fortunately, the girl was not only skin trauma, a few days later, he was discharged from the hospital. She just got out of the hospital, do not listen to the teacher and doctor's advice and go home. The little girl entered the room to see, Lily has opened 5, more than 6! She was overjoyed,scarpe hogan outlet, he poured the water. We have waited for a long time the day lily, master finally watering it! The little girl in the past few days, every day thinking about its owner, looking at the sky, a little sad. It reminds me of the previous owner scene together,scarpe hogan outlet, think of the previous owner of watering it scene. Think about now...... It look good master! "Oh, good ah! I really hope Lily never fade!" The lily petals are white, pale blue and orange flower core, while its dark green leaves, so beautiful! As in the past 18 years,scarpe hogan outlet, the little girl is a girl of many years old 20, and Lily had put. Previously, the little girl brought the lily petals as a specimen. Until now, the petals also preserved intact! She put the lily specimens in an elegant box, Lily in the exquisite box quietly lying in never said a word, never want to master give him watering, never as happy as before... Whenever the master opened the box, it quietly looked at her. She changed, is not only the appearance, age, and her heart changed. Lily's dead, because the owners ignore it,goyard prix, forget to water it, now is no exception. About a year before it hosts 3,chaussure louboutin pas cher, 4 times, and looked at it is no longer so sincere. The owner is changed, but Lily to her heart will never change!!! I do not know how many years passed, the little girl is old, dying. Now, she often;
a lily, in the little girl's room. Lily is the little girl personally planted. The little girl has no family, only the lily...... Related Articles:

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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-20 04:36:43 | 只看该作者

Ask the world famous classic quotations

< p > a wide variety of whitewash, eloquence, but is posing as a strong belief in the indifference of florid rhetoric.
loyalty can be simply defined as an illogical belief in an impossible situation. -
no faith, no name of the character and life; no faith, no &gt,hogan scarpe outlet;
love, hope, fear and faith constitute the human nature, they are the signs and characteristics of human nature. - ROM Browning
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belief and superstition are very different things. -- Pascal
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you have faith in the young, doubt on old age; have self-confidence on the young, fear of old age; hope is young, despair on the old age; years to make your skin wrinkling, but lost enthusiasm, damage the soul. -- Carnegie
is the belief in the actions of the warrior. He was able to endure all the hardships and pain, and to reach the goal he had chosen. -- Ba Jin
love is a kind of religion, faith in this religion than the cost of the next religion is much higher; and soon will disappear,stylo mont blanc pas cher, the belief in the past, like a naughty child, but also get some trouble. -- Balzac
faith is an oasis in the heart, the thought of the camel team is never going to go. -- Gibran
doubt and faith, both of which are necessary. Doubt can destroy the faith of yesterday, for tomorrow's faith. - Roman Roland
-- Stendhal
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strong faith will win a strong man, and then make them stronger. - network collection
belief is a must for people. Who does not believe the people will not be happy. -- Hugo
more difficult to shake faith than knowledge; love than respect is more difficult to change; hatred is more persistent than disgust. -- Hitler
belief is no land and language boundaries, and those who support the truth, that is, brothers and friends. Henrich - man
Ask the world famous classic quotations
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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-20 04:44:26 | 只看该作者

The door was on the ravages of sober! 8-1 is just

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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-20 05:35:03 | 只看该作者

In the window, the bamboo, the month of the night

The HTML template in the window, the bamboo, the moon, the night
always miss the childhood home,scarpe golden goose, the home is the old floor, only two, I would sleep in the upstairs. There is a window, is the kind of carved wooden windows, with two sticks a brace can be opened. When the room is very simple,air jordan pas cher, only a bed and a desk, but it is my childhood paradise. I have read the book on the drawer. When I was a child I love to read fairy tales, martial arts, at all times and in all countries...... I love to see. I spent most of my spare time in the story. The magic of the story is so attractive to me, so let me intoxicated, my poor Snow White's encounter, but for her happy ending, it let me know what is called good will sow the wind and reap the whirlwind. The swordsman chivalrous swordsman under the pen of Jin Yong also let I envy,hogan interactive outlet, I even dreamed that one day can go to make a living away from home, to draw a sword and render help at the sight of injustice. Is it let me know what is right, what is evil. Just at that moment the seed also deeply in my heart that little heart. I love the rain, because the window. There is a large bamboo window. When it rains, the rain on the leaves, hit the roof, beating on the window,hogan outlet, click...... &middot; Ding dong............ Sound. The voice is so sweet, like a musician playing a song. Whenever this time, I will hold up the window,nike tn requin soldes, quietly listening to the music of nature. The more love the moon at night. In the moonlight, the distant mountains, near the bamboo forest...... &middot; as a shy beauty with a veil is filled with infinite reverie. When the wind passed by, who leaves rustling, swaying posture,air max pas cher, the cast in the moonlight shadow as a lithe and graceful maiden in the wind dance. At this time, hiding in the corner of the crickets are also unwilling to remain out of the limelight is called up, seems to be for the wonderful dance accompaniment. Every time, I will hold up the window, enjoying the moonlight beauty,chaussure nike tn, heart sigh when the poet are seen by moonlight beauty about so much. Leaves are dancing had not seen for a long time,hogan sito ufficiale, but also a long time did not hear the crickets cry, but I never forget the book, the window, the bamboo, the month of the night. Related Articles:

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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-20 13:26:11 | 只看该作者

Foreigners understand Xi Jinping's four comprehens

, chairman of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization Global SME alliance director general Carlos &middot; magarinos
coordination to promote the four comprehensive strategic layout is to allow the people's efforts and dedication to achieve tangible results, which are reflected in the exciting Chinese dream. It aims to build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, aiming to meet the growing needs of the Chinese people in the material and cultural needs of the people. It calls for continued economic and social practice in the past few decades to promote innovation,nike tn pas cher, entrepreneurship,piumini moncler outlet, and trade,chaussures tn pas cher, thereby creating jobs and opportunities for all people.
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< p > Carlos & middot; magarinos (the author is president of the World Federation of small businesses, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, former general officer. Zhou Xiaolin translation)
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in order to achieve this goal, President Xi Jinping sent a very clear signal: a comprehensive deepening of reform. The general goal of comprehensively deepening the reform is to improve and develop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and promote the modernization of national governance systems and governance capacity. Only a comprehensive deepening of reform, in order to open up the road leading to prosperity and progress, so that all Chinese people live more dignified,hogan outlet online, full of opportunities. The overall rule of law constitutes an important guarantee for social fairness, and it has a very important significance for the continuation of China's economic miracle. The comprehensive deepening reform and comprehensive law such as double wings of the bird,golden goose sneakers, the car. This also shows that after years of focus on economic growth and improve the people's lives, through the modernization of national governance to consolidate both the results and the opportunity to enhance social justice. Comprehensive strictly is to protect the other three "comprehensive" means necessary. Among them,giubbotti moncler outlet, the elimination of corruption is important premise of realizing the social justice of.
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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-20 14:56:21 | 只看该作者

Practicing life

"what do you think is the happiest time in your life? What is the most painful time?"
"Oh, a lot of happy things ah, remember not to come over, the pain is also a number of things, but forget it quickly."
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"what is your greatest wish now?"
"people forget the pain to be good at, remember the happiness, then we will live in spacious, bright heart, right?"
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  Review horse when the original, I just for the first time is carefully read the relevant content of the Marxism and the opportunity to learn Marxist philosophy, in terms of my knowledge level, I think his philosophy is in line with the objective law. This has aroused my interest in Marxism.
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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-20 19:13:08 | 只看该作者

You no longer look in hesitation,

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  Review horse when the original, I just for the first time is carefully read the relevant content of the Marxism and the opportunity to learn Marxist philosophy, in terms of my knowledge level, I think his philosophy is in line with the objective law. This has aroused my interest in Marxism.
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3 中级会员
发表于 2016-4-21 01:24:41 | 只看该作者

Love in the corner

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